CFFC Facebook Posts Week of 11/12

Seven posts were made to the CFFC Facebook page during the week of 11/12-18/2023.

11/12/2023Tool seeks to educate patients about lung transplants -A new four-part tool to assist in transplant planning was presented at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Importantly, the tool was designed to address populations who have historically had poor access to the procedure.

11/13/2023There Is No Health Without Mental Health: Hope for the Future – This blogger shares observations on her mental health experiences that were triggered by the third plenary session at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. A link to the session (“There Is No Health Without Mental Health: Progress, Challenges, and Hope for the Future”) is included in the blog post.

11/14/2023Latest update on the NICE appraisal of Orkambi, Symkevi and Kaftrio – While this report applies to the United Kingdom, it highlights the struggle between effectiveness and cost.

11/15/2023This month, we honor those who provide palliative and hospice care – In this blog, the author provides the distinction between palliative and hospice care, and emphasizes the importance of palliative care.

11/16/2023UK Health Security Agency report reveals a post-pandemic bounce back in antibiotic resistant infections – This report emphasizes the need for continued research for new antibiotics and alternative treatments to combat bacterial infections.

11/17/2023 – Learning to Fuel My Body as a Runner With CF – Although this story focuses on the author’s marathon goals, the core lesson is to put time into learning what your body needs to sustain your preferred life style.

11/18/2023New compound outperforms pain drug by indirectly targeting calcium channels – Chronic pain is an element of life with CF for many. This research holds promise for providing relief without side effects associated for some pain treatments.