The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is sponsoring a survey to assess the costs associated with life with CF. The link below launches an informed consent form that contains more details about the survey and aspects of participation.
As stated in the opening of the consent form:
The sponsor, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, is conducting a study to understand how the costs of cystic fibrosis (CF) care affect access to healthcare services and daily living, and how CF care teams identify and address financial needs among people with CF and their families or caregivers. Survey results will be used to inform and support the CF community and care teams in addressing financial issues associated with CF.
The consent form also includes contact information for the Study Doctor and encourages you to:
Take your time to ask the study doctor or study staff as many questions about the study as you would like. The study doctor or study staff can explain words or information that you do not understand. Reading this form and talking to the study doctor or study staff may help you decide whether to take part or not.
To participate in the survey, start by accessing the informed consent form here: Share Your Thoughts About the Cost of CF