The CF Foundation hosts a community blog to “share some of our favorite blog posts that represent the reality of living with CF.” Here are the links to blog entries highlighted by CFF in November:

You Will Find Love: A Note to Kids with CF: Over the years, I have received some tough questions from children with CF, but one has really stuck with me. And if I were asked it again today, I know exactly what I would say.

I Hope I Inspire You, Too: A Letter to my Best Friend: Alexa was my best friend: the class clown, the leader of our wolf pack and the greatest sidekick I could ever have. Every day I spent with her was a blessing. I will cherish our memories until we meet again.

Go Live Your Life: When our son was diagnosed with CF, the clinic director sat with me for hours answering my questions. Since that day, I have wanted to bottle up his advice and become a voice of encouragement for new CF parents.

A Little Less Lonely: For most of my 30 years, my life has been on the same path as my peers’. But suddenly, things feel different.