CFFC completed another fiscal year on June 30, 2020. The financial results of that year are presented in CFFC Financial Statement 06302020. The cumulative revenues and expenses since CFFC was established in 1993 are shown in the charts on our Finances page.

The statements show some significant changes from the prior year. With the cessation of activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Education Day event scheduled for June 4th was postponed; consequently, there was a significant drop in our “Information Events” expenses with a corresponding decrease in “Program Sponsors” revenue.

Patient benefits consisted primarily of our Hospital Help Packets (parking passes and food stipends) and Sunshine Clinic Baggies (parking passes and nutrition bars). Since there was a purchase of parking passes for the Strong garage at the end of 2018-19 year, there was no need to purchase additional passes in 2019-20. The reaction to COVID-19 also reduced the number of hospitalizations and clinic operations which lowered the demand for parking passes.

After a break in 2018, the Living with CF Golf Tournament returned in September 2019 which accounts for the increase in fund raising income.

One new program is not reflected in the financial statements. In response to our offer to provide face masks to CF households, we distributed 42 masks to 10 families. The masks were contributed by volunteer sowers.

As always, we appreciate the support from our donors and sponsors which allows the continuation of our core programs.