CFFC Facebook Posts Week of 2/25

Seven posts were made to the CFFC Facebook page during the week of 2/25-3/2/2024.

02/25/2024Share Your Thoughts About the Cost of CF – Financial concerns add to the stress of life with CF. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has sponsored a survey to gather your views on the cost of life with CF.

02/26/2024Being in a researcher’s shoes for eight weeks gave me a dream to work towards: Simran’s summer studentship experience – There’s more than one way to participate in clinical trials. Here’s a story about being in the lab furthering research that could lead to new trials.

02/27/2024Vitamin D, calcium, and phosphate levels need yearly check: Study – The first step in solving a problem is properly identifying the problem. This study points to deficiencies in three essential dietary nutrients and recommends further research to develop effective treatment(s).

02/28/2024Managing My Mental Health as a Teen With CF With so much attention to the physical aspects of CF, mental health issues may seem like an unneeded extra burden. Fortunately, this blogger found support to include mental health in her treatment plan.

02/29/2024Researchers develop molecules for a new class of antibiotics that can overcome drug resistant bacteriaFortunately, these researchers turned a “failure” in their original objective into a potential victory in the battle against resistant organisms. If your read far enough, (1) one application is beating the biofilm associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and (2) clinical trial interest from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

03/01/2024Rare Diseases Day: reflecting on rarer mutations – We missed Rare Diseases Day by a day but the story is valid every day.

03/02/2024Romance and disability: My love story – “Romance” is one part of “normal” life that is not often discussed in reflections on life with CF.