For our web visitors who do not follow CFFC on Facebook, here are the posts added in the first half of October 2017.

10/01/2017Low-dose Nitric Oxide Enhances Antibiotic Treatment of Certain Chronic CF Infections – More research in the effort to defeat Pseudomonas defenses.

10/02/2017Why Being a Mom of 2 Kids With CF Sometimes Means Watching Your Attitude – Like so many things, CF increases the challenge of being a role model for your kids.

10/03/2017New Program Announced to Educate Cystic Fibrosis Patients and Their Caregivers – Another tool is available for broad-based information regarding CF.

10/04/2017Predatory bacteria found in study of cystic fibrosis patients’ lung microbiome – This science reads a little like science fiction, but the study opened a new line of inquiry to combat bacteria common in CF lungs.

10/05/2017Pulmonary Function Tests Blow – PFTs, like any significant test, may raise your anxiety level.

10/06/2017ProQR’s Inhaled RNA Therapy Improves CF Symptoms in Phase 1 Clinical Trial – Research in England shows promise for another drug to “correct” the CFTR mutation.

10/08/2017Rare Disease Caregivers Survey – CFF Community Voice issued the following bulletin: The National Alliance for Caregiving and Global Genes are launching a national snapshot of rare disease caregivers to study the impact of rare disease on unpaid friends and family members who provide care. The two groups have released a national survey aimed at collecting feedback from over 1,000 family caregivers of children and adults with rare diseases.  The survey closes on Tuesday, October 31.

The survey will collect insight from the friends, neighbors, and family who are providing unpaid care to someone with a rare disease, condition, or disorder. The study will identify the needs of family caregivers for children and adults who are managing a rare disease. Findings will be presented at a Congressional Rare Disease Caucus briefing in February 2018. 

10/09/2017Finding Peace With My Sons’ Diagnoses – One woman’s story of the transition from grief with a CF diagnosis to a more stable attitude that comes from knowing the enemy.

10/10/2017Diabetes Not a Risk Factor for Pregnancy in Mothers with CF, French Study Shows – Speaking of moms, here’s some good news for women with CF who want to have a baby.

10/11/2017Breathe In Ep. #1 – Back to School – A fresh start for Gunnar’s podcast programs with new players. This one deals with back to school issues.

10/12/2017Researchers Explore New Therapeutic Strategy for CF by Increasing Expression of Other Chloride Channels – This research expands the possibilities for overcoming the core problem with CF.

10/13/2017Improve the Experience of Care Survey – Help CFF to refine the survey distributed after clinic visits.

10/14/2017 – A Look at the Way Cystic Fibrosis Has Been Depicted in Popular Media – It’s a challenge to understand how others see us. For those living with CF, this may be assisted or complicated by the portrayal of CF in movies, on TV or in books.

10/15/2017My Changing Relationship With CF – Here’s an interesting look at one CF adult’s look at the time line of his life.